Adults Who Regularly Read the Bible Experience Less Stress

We recently questioned a community in the U.S. about stress, current events, and the function of the Bible in stressful situations. The survey looked at how stress from current events, on a local and global scale, affects people’s daily lives and how reading the Bible alters those effects.

It’s fantastic to learn that the U.S. The community of Bible readers is less stressed than the ordinary American.

According to the APA poll, more over half (59%) of the participants feel that terrorism is a significant source of stress in their lives. Terrorism, on the other hand, is the current situation that only 18% of Bible App survey respondents claim is significantly stressing them out.

Similarly, the APA study found that only 16% of respondents said the national political climate is the current event that stresses them out the most, although 57% of respondents said the present political atmosphere is a very or fairly important source of stress.

How about you?

The Bible can help you gain the perspective you need by placing all of your problems at God’s feet, whether they involve stress, loneliness, loss, or doubt. With the aid of Bible Plans, you can learn, comprehend, reflect on, and apply biblical truth to your life.

We now have the option to put the Bible on the gadgets we always have with us thanks to technology. No matter where you are, you may access it and interact with it throughout your daily life.

Why You Should Regularly Read the Bible

Reading has an effect on you. Consider your feelings when you peruse your news feed. There are many advantages to consistently and regularly reading the Bible. The Bible first reveals God’s nature and his revelation of himself to his people. Every chapter of the Bible reveals something about God’s holy, constant, dependable, gracious, and loving nature.

How to Make Bible Reading a Regular Part of Your Life

Since reading the Bible requires spiritual discipline, we must be disciplined in our approach. Pray and beg God to give you a desire for his word if you don’t have the desire to read the Bible. Make Scripture reading a priority by scheduling a time in your day for it. The next step is to locate someone to help you stick to a reading schedule. Even begin a reading schedule with someone.

Approaching the Bible Rightly

Regular Bible reading is a terrific place to start, but it’s also crucial to approach the Bible correctly. When reading the Bible, it is simple to fall into the habit of trying to concentrate primarily on application. The application of the Bible to one’s life is extremely necessary for a Christian, however we occasionally make forced or accidental applications.

It is advisable to read full biblical books and make an effort to comprehend the text in light of both its immediate context and the entire biblical book in order to avoid misapplication of passages. Always check the text to see what it says about God’s attributes and essence.

Reading the Bible has reportedly helped people throughout the epidemic experience lower levels of fear and depression, according to the most recent survey conducted by a Christian organization.

In its most recent study, the American Bible Society (ABS) found that reading the Bible during the epidemic helped people manage with the emotional effects of the modern lifestyle and the confinement brought on by Covid-19 on a daily basis.

Do you wish to learn how to read the Bible consistently? I’ve self-diagnosed with ADD since I exhibit many of the symptoms, and it’s difficult for me to maintain consistency in anything. I tend to start a lot of things but never finish them, so for a while I would start reading the Bible cover to cover but never complete it. Sincerely, I despised that about myself.

I’ve known for a very long time that I need to prioritize reading the Bible just like I do other things in my life. I was aware that the Bible was a lifeline for my soul. Additionally, I NEED to be in the Word as a pastor in order to both fill my own well and be able to successfully pour into the wells of others.

Are you spiritually starving? I was until I decided to make it a priority to spend time in the Word on a regular basis. Here are 3 helpful strategies to support you in maintaining a regular Bible reading schedule! It isn’t magic. It is not a well-kept secret.

Put your phone away – OR just turn it off entirely!

The tiny computer that fits in the palm of our palms is a big reason why we live in an age of distraction. Smartphones and cell phones are not inherently bad, but they are easily addictive and provide access to a wide range of distractions, including social media, the internet, sports, games, and the news.

The ideal remedy? Store it aside. Put it away and out of sight, or simply turn it off. In this manner, you can avoid being distracted when reading the Bible by notifications, texts, or even phone calls. By turning away from that tiny screen, you’ll be astounded at how much time you truly have to spend regularly in the Word.

At first, don’t stress yourself out by trying to read a lot and for hours!

Some of us read, but others don’t. That’s alright. Begin modestly. Read a few verses, think about them, write in your notebook, and let the Lord speak. Initially, spend some time reading. Add five minutes each day. But watch out that you don’t start doing it automatically or habitually for the sake of doing it.

Request that someone hold you responsible!

Accountability is quite helpful—IF you actually use it! You have to really do it for it to work! When someone asks me to hold them accountable for certain things, I am guilty of not doing so. The real point here is that accountability only works when BOTH sides commit to it AND DO IT!

Ask a Christian who has been around the Lord for more time than you and whom you trust to hold you accountable. Have them encourage you to read the Bible more frequently. If you are truly in the Word, ask them to challenge you and ask you direct, frank questions about what you are doing with your time and what God is saying to you through it (since God undoubtedly speaks via His Word)?